Current Status
A draft Development Plan for 546 Deakin Avenue Mildura has been prepared and was adopted (as presented) by Council at the 25 August 2022 Council meeting. Applications for subdivision of the land may now be made in accordance with the approved development plan.

The plan responds to the Mildura Planning Scheme requirement for an approved development plan to facilitate the subdivision and further development of the land in a proper and orderly manner.
Community Consultation - Have Your Say
Council welcomes all written comments on its planning proposals and wishes to hear from the community and interested parties about any potential benefits and opportunities that projects might bring for the community, along with any concerns or challenges, possible solutions to these, or changes (if any) that could be made to improve project outcomes, for the net benefit of the whole community. Please tell us if you have any additional ideas, comments or concerns.
Accessing the Documents
A copy of the draft document is available for download from this webpage (see Document Library) or you may access a hard copy of the plan at Council's Madden Avenue or Deakin Avenue Service Centres, or the Mildura Library.
Your thoughts
Comments must be in writing and may be sent by Post to: Mr Peter Douglas, Coordinator Strategic Planning, Mildura Rural City Council, PO Box 105, MILDURA, VIC, 3500 or Email to:
Name and postal contact details of submitters are required for submissions to be considered and acknowledged. Written comments provided are considered public documents and issues/matters raised therein (including authorship) may be reported to Council in an open Council meeting Agenda.