Current Status

Mildura Rural City Council has prepared a draft Background Report to inform the direction of the Mildura Industrial Land Use Strategy, which is the next stage of this project.

Key Areas of Investigation

Community feedback is critical to informing the development of a successful strategic direction that supports existing businesses to expand, attracts new businesses, strengthens supply chains and diversifies business activity.

Have your say by Tuesday 25 June 2024!

To ensure that Council’s strategy for industrial growth will benefit local industries and residents, we invite feedback on the background report’s findings.

Areas of focus

The focus of the strategy is on land zoned as follows;
  • Industrial 1 Zone

    This zone caters for a wide range of general industrial (e.g. manufacturing) and warehouse land uses.

  • Industrial 3 Zone

    This zone provides for a range of light industrial and warehouse land uses which do not interfere with neighbourhood amenity of adjacent residential areas.

  • Commercial 2 Zone

    This zone enables some industrial land uses. Its use in Mildura focuses on enabling retail and bulky goods.

  • Special Use Zone 7

    Mildura Airport is a major airport in the region and a destination for air freight. There are opportunities for an airport-based business park associated with air freight.

  • Special Use Zone 9

    Mildura–Irymple Urban Transition Area has been designated to reinforce Fifteenth Street as part of the gateway to Mildura and to develop Fifteenth Street with smaller-scale restricted retail and associated business services within a landscaped setting.

We want to hear from you!

Seeking feedback on the draft Background Report

We are seeking your feedback on the Report’s findings, calling on the community to share local knowledge while letting us know if we have accurately captured all relevant issues, areas of concerns and opportunities for all industrial precincts in our municipality. Your comments will help us better respond to known issues or opportunities we have not considered. Your feedback will be also used in developing emerging directions for the industrial strategy, which is the next stage of this project.

About the Industrial land Use Strategy

To support the growth of Mildura, a core objective for Council is to ensure the resilience of the local economy. The provision of enough land for businesses to grow and continue to be an important source of local employment is vital to the economy.

The Mildura Industrial Land Use Strategy is an evidence-based approach, building on extensive research and analysis to guide land use and development for industrial land across the municipality over the next 15+ years.

The strategic framework will set out land use directions and initiatives to ensure a sufficient supply of industrially zone land to meet local and regional needs.

Next steps

Your feedback will be collated, considered and responded to in an Engagement Summary Report. This will be made available on the project webpage soon after the consultation period.

Stay Informed

You can hit follow at the top of this page to be informed for the next stages as the strategy progresses, or you can register your details at to receive email updates about the Industrial Land Use Strategy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the project or wish to provide a written submission, please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team as below:

Contact Information
Name Strategic Planning Team
Phone 0350188100
In writing

Strategic Planning, MRCC, PO Box 105, Mildura, Vic, 3502