Draft Merbein Pedestrian and Cycling Plan

Mildura Rural City Council is developing the Merbein Pedestrian and Cycling Plan.

The plan aims to address pedestrian and cycling issues identified by the Merbein community following surveys and in-person consultation sessions.

Some of the key recommendations of the plan include:

  • Provision of an east-west and north-south bicycle connection through Merbein
  • Provision of footpaths on roads leading to the main shopping precinct as well as schools and parks
  • Provision of crossing locations to enable safer crossing facilities
  • Provision of shared user paths to provide off-road facilities for connections to schools
  • Implementation of the Local Area Traffic Management Plan

The recommendations aim to address missing walking and cycling links within Merbein, improve connectivity to key destinations as well as provision of safer crossing locations.

Feedback is now closed. We thank the community for their feedback.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Sanam Chhusyabaga
Phone 0350188100
Email mrcc@mildura.vic.gov.au