Current Status

Earlier in the year Mildura Council appointed consultants Plan2Place Consulting to undertake the Mildura Planning Scheme Review. The Planning Scheme is a statutory document that guides land use and development across the Mildura Local Government Area (LGA). Under the Planning & Environment Act 1987 the Planning Scheme requires review every four years, aligning with the preparation of the Council Plan.

Following two successful rounds of community consultation (May 2024 and August 2024) the results from all the engagement activities undertaken including pop-ups, drop-ins, surveys and meetings held with key groups such as general community, Public Sector Agencies, Local Government Authorities, Planning Industry Professionals and Advisory Groups are now being used to develop a draft Mildura Planning Scheme Review report which is anticipated to be exhibited for formal public comment in the first half of 2025.

Have Your Say - Previous Rounds of Consultation

Round 2 Consultation (1-31 August 2024) (closed)

Round 2 Community Consultation for the Mildura Planning Scheme Review project ran 1 August to 31 August 2024.During Round 2 engagement the project team shared some of the findings from earlier community engagement undertaken in May 2024 and provided further opportunities for community input into the project.

The project team (comprised of Plan2Place Consulting and Council Planners) facilitated a series of in-person drop-in sessions and pop-up stalls across the municipality in Ouyen, Red Cliffs, Mildura and Merbein from Thursday 1 August to Monday 5 August 2024.

Input was also encouraged through a Round 2 community survey that was open 1-31 August 2024.

In Round 2 the community and other key groups were asked to comment on the themes developed from Round 1 engagement, particularly those themes of most interest to them. The Project Team was also seeking to confirm that the summary of information received was correct and any thoughts on the proposed actions for each 'theme' resulting from what was heard in the May engagement activities.

Round 1 Consultation (1-31 May 2024) (closed)

In May 2024, the project team asked community members what they valued about the Mildura LGA and what could be improved? The results of that consultation along with other research has been used to develop a series of suggested actions and changes to the Mildura Planning Scheme. The information from Round 1 has been organised into the following six themes:

  1. Settlement, Housing, Built Environment and Heritage
  2. Environment and Landscape values
  3. Environmental Risks and Amenity Management
  4. Natural Resources Management
  5. Economic Development
  6. Transport and infrastructure.

Further information on each of the themes can be accessed for viewing or download by clicking on the tiles below.

Next Steps

The results of the engagement activities undertaken are now being used to develop a draft Planning Scheme Review report which is anticipated to be exhibited for formal public comment in early in 2025.

Following all rounds of consultation on the draft Planning Scheme Review report and consideration of any submissions received it is anticipated that a finalised report will be recommended for adoption in the first half of 2025.

Other Project Information

The Mildura Planning Scheme is a statutory document that controls land use and development activity within the municipality, using controls such as planning scheme ordinance, maps and zones, overlays and their associated local schedules.

In accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (PE Act) the Mildura Planning Scheme is required to be reviewed every four years on a cyclical basis within 12 months of the adoption of a Council Plan. On completion the report is presented to the Minister for Planning.

The last Planning Scheme Review was undertaken in 2018-19 with the review report being adopted by Mildura Council in 2019.

The project team is commited to:

  • Taking into account your thoughts - with your comments being collected, collated and themed to form part of a short report that identifies key issues for the community in the draft Key Issues Report being developed.
  • Refining research about how the planning scheme is performing
  • Seeking your feedback on possible responses through ongoing opportunities to be part of the project
  • Developing a series of recommended actions for Council to consider that will shape the updated planning scheme
  • Reporting back to you on what Council decides to prioritise (future consultation)
  • Informing you of further opportunities to provide your input to the updated planning scheme.

Identified components of work include a standard full review of the Planning Scheme ordinance Planning Policy Framework, Municipal Planning Statement and Regional and Local Policy, along with undertaking work previously identified as future strategic work arising from the 2018-19 Planning Scheme Review.

Outstanding components also included for consideration and recommendations are listed below:

  • Gambling
  • Koorlong Landfill and ESO4 (Environmental Significance Overlay, Schedule 4)
  • Scoping brief for Barriers to Integrated Water Management / Water Sensitive Urban Design (IWM/WSUD) including in Public Open Space
  • Consideration of Public Open Space (POS)
  • Cumbungi
  • Salinity Management Overlay (SMO)

If you make a submission or provide us with your details, we will keep you informed throughout the process.

To opt-in to project updates, you can give us your email address or click 'follow' at the top of the webpage and you will be emailed when project updates are posted to this webpage.

More on Round 1 Consultation

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about the project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Jacqueline Murnane
Phone +61350188100