About Amendment C116mild

Amendment C116mild proposes to rezone land at 174 Cootamundra Avenue, Red Cliffs from the Public Conservation and Resource Zone (PCRZ) to the Farming Zone (FZ).

The Amendment seeks to rectify a mapping error whereby a public purpose zone currently applies to privately owned land. The PCRZ is intended to apply to land owned by a State or Local Government authority or utility provider. It should not apply to land owned by a private company or person.

Rezoning this land to the FZ will reflect its private ownership as well as its current and intended use which is agriculture.

Public Exhibition

The Amendment is on exhibition from 13 March 2025 to 14 April 2025. Submissions are sought during this time.

The Amendment documents can also be viewed free of charge, during office hours at the following locations:

  • Madden Avenue Service Centre, 108 Madden Avenue, Mildura
  • Deakin Avenue Service Centre, 76 Deakin Avenue, Mildura
  • Ouyen Service Centre, 79 Oke Street, Ouyen
  • Red Cliffs Library, Jamieson Avenue, Red Cliffs

Making a Submission

Submissions must be made in writing and lodged with Council by Monday 14 April 2025.

Submissions can be made in the following two ways:

Via letter to: Mildura Rural City Council - PO Box 105, Mildura VIC 3502
Via email to: Manager Strategic Planning at strategic.planning@mildura.vic.gov.au

Please provide us with your name and contact details so that we can contact you about the next stage of the Amendment.

Your submission should provide details on:

  • Your view on the Amendment
  • Why you support or oppose the Amendment
  • How it will materially affect you
  • What changes are requested

Please note that Council must make a copy of every submission available at its office and/or on its website for any person to inspect free of charge until the end of the two months after the Amendment comes into operation or lapses.

Furthermore, submissions will be treated as public documents and issues raised therein (including authorship) may be reported to Council in an open Council meeting agenda and posted on Council’s website.

What is the process from here?

Council will review all submissions and consider whether a planning panel is required.

A planning panel will be requested if there are objecting submissions Council is unable to resolve. If no objecting submissions are received or are all resolved, the process to adopt the Amendment can start.

We will keep you up to date on the progress of the planning scheme amendment process.