About this project
The intersection serves as a critical connection for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists accessing Mildura’s Central Business District (CBD) and surrounding areas.
Eighth Street is a primary route for the CBD bus network, carrying a higher volume of traffic (an estimated 2,863 vehicles per day eastbound and 3,931 vehicles per day westbound), compared with Riverside Avenue (1,575 vehicles per day northbound and 3,043 vehicles per day southbound).
Riverside Avenue mainly supports local traffic, and holds priority at the intersection. Unfortunately, the unclear layout causes vehicles to misjudge right-of-way, resulting in wrong turns, sudden stops and an increased risk of rear-end and side-impact collisions.
The proposed project aims to prioritise traffic flow on Eighth Street to enhance safety and efficiency. This will reduce confusion and improve right-of-way clarity, lowering the risk of collisions by encouraging reduced speeds.
With the addition of raised safety platforms, traffic islands, painted sharrows for cyclist guidance and new footpath connections, the project will create a safer and more accessible environment for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Construction is expected to occur from July to December 2025. The community and key stakeholders will be kept informed of project updates as necessary.
Please see the plan below. We encourage the community to provide any feedback by 13 December 2024.
Concept Plan