Mildura Rural City Council is planning to create a new park at the intersection of Benetook Avenue and Twenty First Street, Koorlong.
Construction is scheduled to get underway in the 2023-24 Financial Year, subject to approval and budget allocation.
We'd like to hear from the community about their ideas for the new park and to help develop a concept plan and design for the site. The design has some prerequisites, including:
- Shade and trees
- Landscaping
- Park furniture
We welcome your contributions and ideas and look forward to working together to create a valuable community asset for everyone to access and enjoy.
Once we have developed a concept plan we will share it back with the community to ensure we have accurately captured and incorporated your ideas.
Concept design out now for feedback
Earlier this year we asked the local community for ideas and input on the design of a new playground, proposed for Koorlong. Thank you so much to everyone who took time to contribute.
We are excited to share the proposed concept design with you. We’d like to know if you’re happy with this design proposal or have any other feedback we should consider. You can provide feedback by:
- Completing the online form below; or
- Calling a member of the project team on 03 5018 8100; or
- Emailing a member of the project team:
Feedback can be made up until Friday 6 January 2023.
Concept design proposal for the new playground at Koorlong Park.