Current Status

The Mildura East Growth Area Strategic Framework was adopted 22 August 2024. Implementation of the plan has not yet commenced. The adopted reports are available from the Document Library below.

Consultation has concluded (May 2024)

The Stormwater Management Strategy, along with the Draft Framework Plan was on exhibition until 10 May 2024.

The community was asked the following questions to help guide their feedback on the Draft Framework Plan.

  • What aspects of the Framework Plan are of most interest?
  • What areas of the Framework Plan are most supported?
  • What areas of the Framework Plan are of concern?
  • What issues do we need to be aware of with a focus on implementation?
  • What might be barriers to implementation that haven’t been considered?
  • What areas of the Framework Plan delivery would you like to see prioritised by Council?

Council has reviewed all submissions to draft Framework Plan. A report will be presented to Council for its consideration of submissions and recommended responses and changes to the Framework Plan.

About this project

Council worked with planning consultant, Hansen Partnership, to prepare the MEGA Strategic Framework Plan. This project seeks to provide a long-term vision and spatial structure for the study area, to guide land use, development sequencing and supporting infrastructure priorities in Mildura East.

The Framework Plan will be used to update relevant aspects of the Mildura Planning Scheme, to ensure Council’s decision-making achieves enhanced economic, social and environmental objectives for Mildura East for the next 30 years.

What does the Framework Plan do?

The Mildura East Framework Plan sets objectives and actions that will shape how land identified for future residential and larger lifestyle lots between Mildura, Irymple and Nichols Point will develop.

Mildura East was identified as a ‘growth area’ as part of the Mildura Housing and Settlement Strategy 2013 - in recognition of its good location, existing residential community and the need for a variety of options for growth. Significant strategic planning work was undertaken as part of Phase 1 (Vision & Key Directions Report 2022) to refine where growth should be targeted, identify areas to retain agricultural activities and focus on tourism opportunities, and what drainage infrastructure is required to support future development.

The Framework Plan now ready for public comment delves deeper, providing direction for how development should be coordinated to ensure these future communities are liveable and well serviced by infrastructure.

While the Framework Plan establishes a spatial framework for how growth should be staged and developed and where key infrastructure will go, more detailed planning will be required as different parts of the area develop. The current project sets in place the staging and key ‘rules’ for how this will happen

Phase 1 of this project involved establishing a vision for how Mildura East will grow and develop. There was also a focus on developing key directions to inform preparation of the Framework Plan, the second phase of this project. These key directions identify the influences, issues, and characteristics of the study area the Framework Plan must respond to and were divided into the following themes:

  • Development and Drainage
  • Landscape and Environment
  • Movement
  • Activity and Interfaces
  • Society and Culture

Following previous rounds of consultation with the community and key stakeholders, Council adopted the Vision & Key Directions Report at the end of 2022.

Phase 2 involves developing a series of higher-level spatial plans and underpinning objectives and strategies in accordance with the following themes:

  • Land Use, Activity & Interfaces
  • Development and Drainage
  • Landscape and Environment
  • Access & Movement

This phase also provides site specific information for nominated development cells. This includes a detailed plan for each development cell illustrating a response to all themes and specific directions for the next stage of planning and implementation.

Further investigations into the drainage systems of both the study area, but also the intersecting systems (which include Mildura South), has also occurred. It’s important to get this right to ensure that the stormwater management systems in this new growth area respond to the increasingly intense rainfall events that can be anticipated under climate change, but also that they contribute to the amenity of these new neighbourhoods.

Lastly, this phase of work makes recommendations as to the sequence of growth and what actions are required next to implement the Framework Plan.

Further work is required to implement that Mildura East Growth Area Strategic Framework. This work has not yet commenced.


A Draft Framework Plan for Mildura East Growth Area

When have we previously consulted you?

Since commencing this project in September 2021, Council has ensured open conversation with landowners, residents and visitors to the study area, including government authorities, industry professionals and several stakeholder groups. This has helped to identify and explore the issues and opportunities within Mildura East, leading to the adoption of the Vision and Key Directions for the project.

Phase 1 – Vision & Key Directions

6-30 September 2021

Purpose: to hear from landowners, residents, visitors and interest groups regarding what they consider to be important and valued in the study area, and what they want the vision to be.

Method: Two online community workshops (17 September and 29 September) and an online Landowner Survey were available during the consultation period.

11 November 2021 (Online Workshop)

Purpose: to seek further input, to explore the issues raised in Round 1.

Method: An online consultation session was held on 11 November 2021 via zoom, to provide interested parties with the opportunity to talk to the project team and to discuss appropriate responses to issues affecting the area.

14 January 2022 to 28 February 2022 - Formal Public Comment

Purpose: The discussions held and input received from Round 2 Consultation has been used by Hansen Partnership to inform the preparation of a draft Vision & Key Directions Report and a draft Key Issues Report.

Method: The draft reports were available for viewing at Council's Madden Avenue and Deakin Avenue Service Centres and the Mildura Library (if open) and also available for download from the project web page during exhibition.

Additionally, online community drop-in-sessions were held Wednesday, 9 February 2022 at 12pm and 6pm respectively, giving those interested an opportunity to chat to the consultants and ask any questions.

The session was on-line due to uncertainty around Covid-19, with a link sent to all registered participants and alternative arrangements offered to those without internet access.